About the ECC Network

ECC Sweden is a part of the European Consumer Centres Network, which consists of consumer centres in 29 countries. The centres are located in every EU country, as well as in Iceland and Norway. We also have a cooperation with a consumer centre in the UK. The various European Consumer Centres are financed by the European Commission and national authorities. ECC Sweden is financed by EU and the Swedish Consumer Agency.

Help for consumers across borders

Consumers, who have cross-border problems with a company within the EU, Norway or Iceland can contact the European Consumer Centre in their country. The advisor cooperates with a colleague from the European Consumer Centre in the country where the company is based. This facilitates that the communication and the advisor in the other country can contact the company in that country’s official language to avoid language problems. The advantage is also that the centres can establish contact with the company and therefore have a better basis for discussing the consumers’ rights.

The European Consumer Centres primarily provide help to self-help by informing the consumers of their rights and how to safeguard them. The consumer must therefore have filed a complaint with the company him- or herself before the ECC Network can intervene. The ECC Network cannot apply any enforcement measures against companies. The work is based on a voluntary cooperation with consumers and companies.

The ECC Network also works with information to consumers through various campaigns.

Who can turn to ECC Sweden?

  • Consumers who live in Sweden and have problems with a business operator in another EU country, Norway or Iceland can turn to ECC Sweden.

  • Consumers from another EU country who have problems with a Swedish business operator contact the ECC centre in their country.

Read more about ECC Sweden’s work

All European Consumer Centres

You can find all of the European Consumer Centres in the EU, Iceland and Norway as well as the ICC office in the UK here.

The work of the ECC Network

The European Consumer Centre Network works on joint projects, such as reports on e-commerce and the rights of air passengers, among other topics. Through contact with consumers, we can identify and map different consumer problems and contribute to the development and revision of the EU legislation through common points of view.

The ECC Network has reconciliation meetings with the Commission. The European Consumer Centres meet regularly to coordinate and improve the on-going collaboration in case administration and in joint projects. Study visits and meetings contribute to experiential exchange and skills development.

The ECC Network was founded in 2005 and has already helped more than one million consumers.

Watch a video about the ECC network

About the network on the European Commission’s website