Contact point assignments

ECC Sweden is responsible for various contact point assignments. As a contact point, we are responsible for providing information to appointed target groups, while there are other actors that are responsible for or administrate the factual issue, the topic or the platform.

ECC Sweden is the contact point for:

  • the Services Directive towards consumers

  • geo-blocking towards consumers

  • e-commerce

  • the ODR platform

Contact point for the Services Directive for consumers

According to the Services Directive, the Member States must make it easier for service providers and service recipients to offer and purchase services across the borders within the EU. Free mobility of services in the internal market is to be ensured without compromising the quality of the services. Business operators and consumers are to be given all necessary information according to the Services Directive.

In Sweden, there are two contact points with different target groups. ECC Sweden has the assignment of informing consumers when purchasing services from other EU countries. At the contact point, various authorities gather information and e-services for companies that want to start and conduct a business.

About the contact point for service companies at

There are national contact points for the Services Directive in all of the EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the UK. They cooperate in the network EUGO. More information and direct links to all of the contact points can be found on the European Commission’s website.

Contact points on the European Commission’s website

Right to buy services from other countries

The Services Directive clarifies the consumers’ and companies’ right to purchase services from other countries. The Member Countries may not set requirements that:

  • limit the possibility of using services from companies in other countries

  • discriminate against customers on the basis of nationality or where they live.

ECC Sweden provides information on what services are covered by the Services Directive and what services are exempt. We also provide information on what rights consumers have and if it concerns discrimination and if it may be justified on objective grounds.

About the Service Directive on på (in Swedish)

How the ECC Network works with the Services Directive

The ECC Network has prepared a report on restrictions when purchases of services across borders are involved. The report analyses the consumers’ complaints from 2013-2015.

Do Invisible Borders Still Restrict Consumer Access to Services in the EU?

Contact point for consumers on geo-blocking

Geo-blocking means that consumers are prevented from accessing goods or services due to nationality or where they live. Regulation 2018/302 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking prohibits many kinds of geo-blocking within the EU. Examples include the blocking of websites and discrimination upon payment. Complaints to the European Commission and authorities show that consumers have problems with geo-blocking. Companies have had different prices depending on where the consumer lives, for example. As a contact point, ECC Sweden can answer questions on what can be considered unjustified geo-blocking. The ECC Network has identified what problems consumers have with geo-blocking. This is compiled in a document with a common position from the ECC Network on the Geo-blocking Regulation.

Geo-blocking position paper

Contact point for e-commerce

ECC Sweden is the appointed contact point for e-commerce. This means that, besides informing consumers of their rights, we also inform traders of consumer rights in e-commerce. Read about trade within the EU and our cooperation within the ECC Network to also inform traders.

Trade within the EU

Contact point for ODR (Online Dispute Resolution)

The ODR platform is a tool where consumers and traders can solve their problem directly or agree on a dispute resolution body. The platform gives consumers and business operators a portal to assess disputes that have arisen in cross-border e-commerce outside court. The European Commission is behind the tool. ECC Sweden can help both consumers and companies in problems with the platform and provide information on consumer rights.

The platform will be discontinued as of 20 July 2025. It is no longer possible to submit new cases.

About the ODR platform on

The ODR platform

Relevant EU legislation